All relationships start with romance and love. When a couple are in this stage of their relationship, all is good and happiness abounds as they spend time with each other, finding out about each other in all sorts of ways. It’s a huge journey of discovery, finding out about likes/dislikes, common interests and how to make each other happy. The world looks a wonderful place, and our place in it secure as we marry the person who we have found can make us truly happy and fulfil our dreams.
After we marry there can be a period of sadness/disillusionment not everything is alright with our world. We start to feel annoyed even angry with our spouse, our dream seems to be drifting away. This could frighten us at first, but its only a natural process that each love relationship follows. A cycle of Romance, disillusionment and hopefully joy. We all need to be aware of this cycle, work hard on our relationship, to allow the joy and love to be refocused on each other. It’s a time to re-evaluate what needs to be done or said to heal any hurts, pay more attention, not to take for granted the love of the other.
Love creates a climate of security in which we can seek the answers to issues that bother us. Conflicts can be resolved. Two people who are different can learn to live together in harmony and discover how to bring out the best in each other. That is the reward of love and so we can be brought back to the romance stage and our dreams can become a reality again.
The decision to love your spouse holds tremendous potential, and when ever we feel disillusioned will bring us back to romance, joy, and happiness.
This blog was written by Phil & Rita Jackson, Worldwide Marriage Encounter England & Wales who make up part of the Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations