Hello married couples, God’s children, are your hearts on fire with His love?
We’ve heard ‘the closer we come to God, the closer we come to each other’ and also ‘the closer we come to each other, the closer we come to God.’ Are we burning with love in our relationships or are we bumbling along?
Our annual celebration of Pentecost is a reminder to us that God HAS sent His Spirit, His Spirit is with us, ALWAYS. Just as Jesus’ disciples spoke to the people who all heard them in their own language, so we speak our own language to each other as husband, wife…YET…we were raised differently, our childhood experiences and life lessons were different, however, we can grow through and because of that. There might be times when we feel like ‘We can’t take anymore, our relationship is not bringing me life anymore.’ Pope Francis in The Joy of Love reminds us that:
Amoris Laetitia 232…Each crisis becomes an apprenticeship in growing closer together or learning a little more about what it means to be married…Each crisis has a lesson to teach us; we need to learn how to listen for it with the ear of the heart.
He talks of our relationships maturing, like fine wine. With him the Church family shall soon be celebrating The World Meeting of Families, June 22-26 in Rome, its theme – Family Love: a vocation and path to Holiness. The more we seek to strengthen our relationships as married couples, the stronger it can make our families.
Are we willing to place ourselves in God’s hands? Are we open to the gifts that come to us through God’s Holy Spirt? It’s true that sometimes the demands of marriage on our energy, emotions and spiritual strength are so strong that it is difficult to hold on, but we can pray together daily: ‘Holy Spirit, help us to learn how to fan the flames when we have doubts. Strengthen our resolve to say ‘yes’ to you and to each other and to trust… to TRUST ALWAYS
This post was written by Brian and Maureen Devine from Two in One Flesh who are part of the Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations. For more information on the alliance please
visit: www.allianceofcatholicmarriageorganisations.org.uk