In a recent Marriage Preparation course, my husband and I asked the question ‘How does it feel to be in a happy, committed, stable relationship’? We received many responses including fortunate, hopeful, secure, and perhaps most poignantly complete. That sense of being part of something much greater.
For couples undertaking their Marriage Preparation over the last year the disarray about cancelled wedding plans and all the uncertainty around when they would be able to get married has given them a real opportunity to reflect on the importance of their own unique relationship and why they have chosen to marry in Church. For many also to contemplate God’s integral place within their marriage.
We too will probably have found that there have been points during lockdown when the change in routine has given us the chance to reflect. Inevitably this has led some to realise that their marriage is in difficulty however for others it has a been a good news story. An opportunity to appreciate one another and to grow together.
In talking to engaged couples we often ask them to picture a happily married couple. To consider that their ‘togetherness’ as a couple is a sign of their marriage, the sign of the sacrament and therefore a living sign of God’s love. As they start out on their married lives, they understand just how important it is to nurture their love for one another so that they too remain that happily married couple.
As life returns to normal let’s not forget those positive lessons learned during lockdown around our marriage. Let’s remember the importance for all married couples, not just those at the start of the journey, to spend time nurturing their couple relationship and their relationship with God. In giving ourselves time and space to reflect on marriage together and the love we share, let’s remember that we are created to love, as a reflection of God and His love.
‘And so, we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them’ (1 John 4:16).
This blog was written by Fran Watson, National Coordinator, Marriage Preparation and Enrichment, Marriage Care. Marriage Care are part of the Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations.
For more information on the alliance please visit: www.allianceofcatholicmarriageorganisations.org.uk