The role allows me to catch up on my studies whilst volunteering my time to help Marriage Care provide counselling services.

Volunteer as a Receptionist/Chaperone

Do you enjoy meeting people and putting them at their ease? Would you also welcome some quiet time secure in the knowledge that your presence is helping our vital relationship counselling service? We are looking for a friendly and helpful volunteer who can spare a couple of hours on a weekday evening to meet and greet couples who come for counselling and remain in the venue during counselling sessions.

For further information and to apply please check your local centre for vacancies and then read through the MC Information Pack and the role description below before filling in the application form and equal opportunities form. Or email us at to make further enquiries.

All suitable applicants will have an informal interview at the local centre. If successful and upon receipt of a suitable reference you will be offered the role.

Apply Now

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