Welcome to this short online course about personal formation for counselling and facilitation
In this module we explore four themes:
- What do we mean by personal formation?
- The challenges of today’s culture
- The gifts that are needed for accompaniment and discernment
- The particular role of lay people in the church
When we think about lay people we refer to the definition in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium), 1964:
The term ‘laity’ is here understood to mean all the faithful except those in holy Orders and those who belong to a religious state approved by the church: all the faithful, that is, who by Baptism are incorporated into Christ, are constituted the people of God, who have been made sharers in their own way in the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ and play their part in carrying out the mission of the whole Christian people in the church and in the world. LG #31
Throughout this module you are invited to reflect on your own response to what you are encountering and what it means to you, especially in your journey in faith. You will therefore need a notebook or journal to record your thoughts as you progress through the following pages and complete the reflective activities provided.
Before you begin please complete this short preliminary evaluation form.
If you enjoy this module please do look at the five other short courses in this series In Service of Marriage and Relationships: a course for equipping and resourcing lay people.