The Two In One Flesh story

Two In One Flesh is an initiative that was started by five couples and a priest who for many years were involved in leadership roles in the Worldwide Marriage Encounter (ME) movement in England and Wales.
Here is their story …

(Coordinators), Brentwood Diocese

Shrewsbury Diocese

Northampton Diocese

Plymouth Diocese

Southwark Diocese

Plymouth Diocese
“One of the most important results of our ME weekend experience was the deepening of our understanding of the concept of ‘Church’ and the reality for us, as couples and a priest, of what it means to be a Sacrament- a ‘living sign’ of the reality of Jesus’ presence in our love for one another. We were inspired to become involved in promoting this vision of Church in various ways: Marriage preparation, Marriage enrichment days, Spiritual direction for couples, parish missions on Marriage, Diocesan marriage and family life ministries, and, since making our own ME Weekends, have collectively been involved in running courses for over 4,000 married and engaged couples.”
Two in One Flesh is not only the name of this initiative but also a 16-page booklet exploring why and how a Christian Marriage is Holy. This booklet has been used in the preparation of couples for marriage, RCIA instruction, and to enhance the understanding of married couples. “It is both practical and profound. Above all, it opens up the riches of our Catholic understanding of marriage and helps us to see married life and love as an authentic vocation and spiritual commitment. I recommend this booklet as a resource for all priests, those involved in a ministry for married or engaged couples and for married
and engaged couples themselves.” Bishop Brian Noble
I Am With You is a trilogy of Scripture reflections for couples, covering years A, B, and C. They are a new approach to Scripture for married people. They can help them to understand the key messages in the Sunday readings. They include witty illustrations and a prayer for the couple and is another way we hope to build up, support, and elevate the value of Christian marriage. It was a labour of love to get it into print, but it was also a great gift to us all in our relationships. We hope and trust that should you decide to purchase it, I Am With You will also be a gift to you. Its purpose is to help married couples relate God’s Word in the Sunday Scripture Readings to their main vocation, namely, to love one another as deeply as they can and to share the fruits of that love with any children they may have, their wider family, our Church and society as a whole. Whilst the book is intended to be used as a preparation for, or as a reflection after the appropriate Mass, it can of course also be a benefit at any time that you choose to focus reflectively and prayerfully on your relationship: simply read the Scripture Readings, consider the given Reflection and (maybe following some discussion about its content) pray the prayer together.
Marriage Matters are inspiring and very human considerations which can sow seeds of hope, offer meaningful challenges and encourage an openness in couples to deepen their relationship with each other and with God. We encourage you to download and use these in your Parish and Diocesan newsletters, anywhere that will help raise the profile of marriage.
“The personal encounter with Christ through reading the Word of God together at home constitutes an inspired source of daily living for couples.” The Synod Fathers
“Marriage Matters offers a wonderful resource to couples to help them relate to the Sunday scripture readings and so enhance their love for one another.” Bishop Peter Doyle
Amoris Laetitia – the joy of love. It took us a while to read through the 264 pages of Amoris Laetitia, but we found it a joy and a blessing. The deeply sensitive and caring nature of Francis is a constant companion throughout. He is very clear in his awareness of the issues and of the need to restate the fundamental truths, whilst at the same time reminding us that with God all things, in love, are possible. Our primary concern and focus is marriage, its specific spirituality, sacramentality and unique place in the life of the Church and Society as a whole. Therefore, we have attempted to extract from Amoris Laetitia only those aspects pertaining to married and engaged couples. We hope those of you who have an interest in the Pope’s perspective on married life will find our abridged version interesting,
informative and inspiring!
Read our abbreviated version of Amoris Laetitia
We have unpacked some of what Francis says in Amoris Laetitia and presented our own reflections, thoughts and ideas on his views. Read our reflections on the Pope’s teaching in Amoris Laetitia