As we drove home after returning our grandchildren to their parents, we followed a tractor carrying a huge cultivator. Around us, we noticed the fields had been cultivated and were spouting green shoots. We reflected that after summer is over and we thank God for the harvest, we continue the cycle He has given us. Cultivate, plant, grow, nurture, harvest.
In this month of October, where will our focus be in the Lord’s vineyard? Today’s Gospel was about two children being asked to work in the vineyard. Oh, that’s us. They made their choices – despite the first responses – one did and one didn’t. We are called to cultivate relationships with couples whom we meet. To plant the seeds of growth of love of our spouse and the Lord.
The tractor we followed had a huge cultivator, perhaps the plough had already been used there. So, we wonder what do we need to do, what words do we need, what smiles, what attitudes in us will best enable us to plant the seeds of growth in couples whom we meet whether passing our house, at the school gate, in the shops or at church? What can teach us a way to meet, engage and enthuse others to grow their married spirituality?
With a new copy of Magnificat, we looked at the lists of feasts and memorials in October. We celebrate Mary’s patronage as Mother and wife. We have St Francis, who cared for those unable to protect themselves; animals, and the poor. And John Henry Newman, whose prayer gives us personally a direction “Stay with me, and then I shall begin to shine as Thou shine: so to shine as to be a light for others.” We pray that we may always be authentic to everyone we meet, paying particular care to those in need, and that we may be a light to illuminate and guide so that couples may grow closer to each other and the Lord.
Annette and Paul O’Beirne
Equipe Notre Dame – Teams
Magnificat; a spiritual guide to develop prayer life. A monthly publication, paper or online, giving daily prayer, readings, meditations and reflections. www.uk.magnificat.net