In a recent Marriage Preparation course, my husband and I asked the question ‘How does it feel to be in a happy, committed, stable relationship’?…
The Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations Forgiveness – Renewal for your Marriage
Two of the hardest things to say and truly mean are ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I forgive you.’ Will our words be accepted in the way…
Becoming ‘Us’
With the lifting of restrictions on numbers attending weddings on the 21st of June, there will be a significant increase in couples getting married. Marriage…
‘Naked Weddings’: Stripping Back the Glitz and Revealing What Really Matters
Marriage Week is here and the theme this year is ‘Naked Weddings’ – ones that do not cost the earth and focus on what really…
The Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations ‘Naked Marriage’ – Focussing on the Essentials of Our Relationship
This year’s Marriage Week theme ‘Naked Marriage’ might sound a bit risqué to include in a church newsletter but on further reading we see that…
The Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations Saying ‘I do’ every day
“A couple … can love one another and live as one until death do them part, enjoying an enriching intimacy. The love they pledge is…