Paul exhorts us: Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed; the night is far gone, the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light Romans 13:11-12 (ESV-CE)
It seems to us that Advent is a time to prepare for the coming of the light, into the world and into our relationship. The closer we get to each other, the closer we get to God. We can, during this time, intentionally do things that will bring us closer together. Here are our five suggestions.
Prayer – The first is surely to pray together, read the Word and spend time in God’s presence together. In this way we create deeper intimacy with each other and God
Silence – The second is to sit together in silence. Light a candle and just bathe in the peace, allowing God to speak into our hearts. We all need silence in order to draw close to Our Lord. Silence is an essential component of a holy Advent.
‘The wisdom of God has generated in every person a great love that nourishes the little silence of the human heart.’ Robert Cardinal Sarah, The Power of Silence, No. 121
Shared Dream – The third is to gather the things you both agree are needed to celebrate Christmas. Enjoy the dreaming and planning together.
Fruits of Preparation – The fourth is to allow the joint journey you have made to bear fruit in its fullness. In the end the fruit of the preparation is that you grow closer to God and to each other during your time together.
Share your feelings – Lastly, to talk and share with each other your dreams for the celebration of the Light to come. Allow yourselves to be in unity, to be one. Listen with your heart and mind, and enjoy the closeness you find throughout your Advent journey.
When we reflect on the times when we’ve managed to live this way ourselves, these practices have always been a blessing for us
This post was written by Russ and Deirdre Fairman, a Leadership Couple at Worldwide Marriage Encounter