Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations – Taking time to be still and extra-‘ordinary’ together


When the Summertime solstice came and went, more than one person was heard to say, albeit with humour, ‘countdown to Christmas now then’. It was quite startling to hear. We were reminded when we went to Mass that weekend that we’re now in ‘Ordinary Time’.  Yet, many of us are planning our holidays, looking for the different ways we can recharge our batteries, seeking to break out of the ‘ordinary’.

Then a few ideas we’ve used across the years, looking for the ‘extra-ordinary’, came to mind, hope you’ll be ok if we share them with you, maybe take time to look this July and August?


Our day-to-day lifestyle tends to be just a series of habits played out one after the other. So, if you want your life to change a little, the first place to look is your habits.


Joy always seems to find its roots in gratitude. Think about starting each day by thanking each other and God for five ordinary, everyday things, start with one or two if five seems too many. If you have children at home, try going around the table at dinner time and list off things together. We did this with our family many years ago, it fed us all.


Life can be so busy, there is so much going on with us and around us. It can be so easy to miss out on noticing each other’s goodness, kindness and loving ways. Maybe our screens aren’t off long enough to be aware of such things?

QUALITY TIME TOGETHER: Wherever we find ourselves, working, doing the ‘ordinary’ everyday tasks and responsibilities of our life together, how can we make time/take time specifically for us? For example, can you take a few moments to look into each other’s eyes and search for the real person there, the vulnerable, the ordinary one behind the facades so many of us present to the world? In our circle of life it’s good to ‘be still and know that He is God’ (Psalm 46:10) and to take time to be still and extra-‘ordinary’ together.

This post was written by Brian and Maureen Devine, Coordinators of Two in One Flesh. 
