Advent a time of waiting, preparing and getting ready to celebrate Christ’s birth at Christmas. How many times
have we all said, ‘We’re going to do Advent differently this year?’ or ‘We’re going to focus on the real reason
for the season’. This is easier said than done as we are all constantly being bombarded by adverts of everything
you need to buy to have the ‘best’ Christmas.
The challenge for us is to put that all to one side and to truly focus on and prepare in prayer for Christmas.
Thankfully the Church gives us four weeks to prepare ourselves.
In the first week, let us think about the Patriarchs, our biblical ancestors – as a couple perhaps you could spend
some time reflecting on your family of origin – what Christmas traditions from your childhood do you want to
embed in your family, so that the next generation continue them?
What new traditions do you have that you would like to see continued?
In the second week in Advent, let us think about the Prophets, those who spoke the truth and made a stand about what is right – what choices are we making in our preparations – are we choosing to support companies who make ethical and sustainable choices? Can we support our favourite charity by buying our Christmas cards through them?
The third Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday. This expresses the joy of anticipation at the approach of the Christmas celebration – as a family what does the birth of Christ signify to you? Have a family sharing on this question and share your thoughts, feelings and maybe there will be some questions. On the fourth Sunday of Advent, we turn to Mary, Jesus’ Mother. Mary is an incredible figure, so brave, so willing to entrust herself and her life to God. Mary was prepared to be open to the Angel’s message. Would we be open? Would we even hear an Angel’s message? Can you take some time to be still, to be quiet and reflect on the real meaning of Christmas and what it might mean for you as an individual, in your marriage and for your family?
We wish you all a very blessed and holy Christmas,
Caroline & Michael L’Estrange
Retrouvaille England & Wales Co-ordinators